Monday, August 31, 2009

Beautiful Reminder in Prayer

In my daily prayers, I often utilize some prayers from a hard-to-find book titled, The Daily Office by Herbert Lindemann. (I add them to my use of the great resource, The Treasury of Daily Prayer.)

Anyway, from the Daily Office for this week there were these great words, under the title, A General Thanksgiving:

Because through suffering and weakness Thou hast taught us patience and given us the sense of dependence upon Thee; because in health and strength Thou hast given us to share Thy joy in being active; and because in sorrow Thou hast revealed to us the glory of others’ kindness:
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
For the discipline of life; for the endurance which is learned through drudgery; for the work which is its own reward; and for the difficulties which are the materials of victory, Thy victory in us:
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
Because through the turmoil of life we find Thy peace; because for the challenge of life we need Thy strength; and because in the adventure of death we have Thy blessed hope:
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
For the laughter of children; for pure mirth and kindly wit; for the jest of gallant souls and the cheerfulness of sufferers, which puts to shame our self-concern:
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
For Thy church on earth; for the comfort and encouragement of the blessed company of all faithful people; and above all for the sense of Thy companionship in sacrament and prayer:
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Thanks Rob. That is beautiful. Perhaps I will print it out and hang it somewhere.